White plums of Monreale, slow food presidium since 2006, are one of the typical fruits of the countryside of Palermo.
They are small, light yellow rind and sweet: a variety is called "Sanacore" because the aroma and flavor attribute them the ability to give pleasure, the other is called "Ariddu core" for the characteristic shape of the the seed similar to the heart. The first variety is harvested from the first ten days of July until the middle of August, the second is late and very sweet.
The harvest is done manually and only by experts, it is necessary to handle as less as possible so as not to affect the bloom, which is the white coating that covers them, and should not remove the stalk.
Formerly, the best fruits of the variety "Ariddu core" were set aside to dry after being wrapped in tissue paper and closed one by one with twine to form sausages. The "wrapped" plums were consumed along with the nuts during Christmas.