The Wine of Pantelleria is exclusively produced in the homonymous island, which lies in the Sicilian area of Trapani. Not only the grapes must be produced in Pantelleria, but in the island also have to be carried out all the operations of the vinification, including the drying of the grapes. Finally, the bottling must take place within the area of winemaking. The D.O.C. took place in 1971.
To produce the Passito of Pantelleria are used only grapes of Zibibbo. The vineyard area of the island covers about 70% of agricultural land, and the vines are grown mainly by the method "in the basin." This technique consists in the cultivation of vines in holes in the ground, which have the dual purpose of protecting them from the wind and salt spray, and to retain the limited soil moisture.
Following the harvesting, the best grapes are selected and placed to dry in the traditional "stinnituri" a dryer used for the production of tomatoes and dried figs. Drying can also be conducted, however, leaving the grapes on the vine over the vesting period, taking advantage, in this case, of the action of the sun and wind. After about 20 days, when the weight of the grapes is reduced to 60% compared to the initial one, thanks to the effect of heat and wind, the grapes are crushed and put to rest for a few months in stainless steel containers.
The Passito of Pantelleria D.O.C. stands out for its beautiful golden yellow color, sometimes tending to amber, the scent is fruity and aromatic, fragrant and characteristic of Moscato; and recalls in particular dried figs and ripe fruit. The flavor is pleasantly sweet, aromatic with hints of orange peel, dates, honey, raisins and myrtle.